Creating Notifications when Employees aren't clocked in on time Issues
We're building an automated system to notify our managers if any employees haven't clocked in by 8:30 AM MDT. We're leveraging AWS Lambda and Connecteam's API to achieve this.
Steps Taken:
API Setup: We set up a Lambda function that queries the /time_clock/v1/time_clocks/{timeclockid}/time_activities endpoint. We've verified that the time clock IDs (8001584 and 8163931) are correct.
Environment Configuration: The API key is securely stored in AWS Lambda's environment variables.
Function Logic: The function fetches time activities for the specified time clocks, checks the clock_in_time field, and compares it to the 8:30 AM MDT deadline. If no one has clocked in by that time, a Slack notification is triggered via AWS Chatbot.
Issues Encountered:
API Response: Despite using the correct endpoint and IDs, the API consistently returns {"detail": "Not Found"}.
Time Activity Data: We’ve verified that employees did clock in before 8:30 AM MDT, but this data isn’t being reflected in the API response.
Troubleshooting: We’ve tried logging the full API response, verified the clock IDs, and ensured the API key has the appropriate permissions.
Request: We’re seeking guidance on why the API might be returning a "Not Found" error and whether there might be any additional steps or configurations needed to correctly retrieve time activities for the specified clocks.
Current Code:
import json
import urllib3
import os
from datetime import datetime
# Retrieve API key from environment variables
# Time Clock IDs
"In-House Clock": "8001584",
"Sub Check in": "8163931"
def check_clock_in():
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
headers = {
"accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {CONNECTEAM_API_KEY}"
not_clocked_in = []
for clock_name, clock_id in TIME_CLOCK_IDS.items():
url = f"https://api.connecteam.com/time-clock/v1/time-clocks/{clock_id}/time_activities"
response = http.request('GET', url, headers=headers)
# Log the raw response for debugging
print("Full Response from API:")
print(response.data.decode('utf-8')) # Log entire response for better insight
activities = json.loads(response.data.decode('utf-8'))
# Check for clock-in activities by 8:30 AM
for activity in activities:
if 'clock_in_time' in activity and activity['clock_in_time'] is not None:
clock_in_time = datetime.fromisoformat(activity['clock_in_time'])
if clock_in_time.time() <= datetime.now().replace(hour=8, minute=30).time():
# If no one clocked in by 8:30 AM
not_clocked_in.append(f"No one clocked in for {clock_name} by 8:30 AM")
except Exception as err:
print(f"An error occurred for {clock_name}: {err}")
if not_clocked_in:
def notify_managers(employee_names):
# This function will trigger the AWS Chatbot to notify Slack
print("The following issue was detected:\n" + "\n".join(employee_names))
def lambda_handler(event, context):
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Check completed successfully')