Automated Breaks and Rounding
Form webhooks
Can you make Form submission webhook as soon as possible
create task is not working
i have used to work with create task api before 10 days ,it works fine .
but now it show ""Internal server error","error_code":1000},"error":"Internal Server Error","path":"/tasks/v1/taskboards/8768526/tasks","request_id":"582c9cf0-3662-466e-88a3-96728302b2b6"}"
Extend time-activities API
For better API utilization (rate limits) please add a parameter to the time-clock/v1/time-clocks/{timeClockId}/time-activities API to retrieve only records which are modified after some timestamp
How to unassign a Job in ConnectTeam via API?
We want to unassign a Job automatically via API, is that possible somehow? We tried to remove the Scheduler ID from the job through the code but we couldn´t manage to do it and we can´t see that reference in the guide. Can you help?
unable to get all shifts data when using Python API
Hi there,
Fetch form submission PDF file
Hi team 👋🏼,
Read only api keys for data analytics
Retrieving sub-job/sub-job code for Integrations
I am currently testing the connecteam API capabilities, and am interested in retrieving the not only the job name but the job code, sub job, and sub job code for the purpose of automatically sending information to payroll. I have stored the charge code in the sub-job code due to the way our system is set up to differentiate charge code based on both location and job name.
Creating Notifications when Employees aren't clocked in on time Issues
We're building an automated system to notify our managers if any employees haven't clocked in by 8:30 AM MDT. We're leveraging AWS Lambda and Connecteam's API to achieve this.