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How to unassign a Job in ConnectTeam via API?

We want to unassign a Job automatically via API, is that possible somehow? We tried to remove the Scheduler ID from the job through the code but we couldn´t manage to do it and we can´t see that reference in the guide. Can you help? Thank you!

unable to get all shifts data when using Python API

Hi there, Thank you very much for the comprehensive API documentation. I'm currently using your API to retrieve data related to users, jobs, and other entities. However, I've encountered an issue when fetching shift data. It seems that I'm unable to retrieve all the necessary information (some rows are missing) Interestingly, when I test this using the "Try Me" section in the API documentation, I can successfully retrieve the data. I'm not sure what might be causing this discrepancy. I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue. Thanks in advance! Tomer

Fetch form submission PDF file

Hi team 👋🏼, Thanks for a very well-documented API. In your help center, I found this article about downloading a form submission as a PDF. [](<>)<https://help.connecteam.com/en/articles/8740470-can-i-download-a-pdf-or-print-out-a-form-that-my-employee-filled-out> This is a great feature for the users/managers. I have not been able to find a similar option using the API. If we call the [https://developer.connecteam.com/reference/get_form_submission_forms_v1_forms__formid__form_submissions__formsubmissionid__get]\(Get form submission endpoint), there's no reference to a download URL, apart from a signature image download URL. Is there another endpoint we need to call to generate these PDF download URLs? For compliance reasons, we need to automatically fetch each submission from specific forms and store them in our HR platform. I've also checked out the webhook (which isn't live yet I believe). Also there I couldn't find any download URLs. [](<>)<https://developer.connecteam.com/docs/forms-webhook> Thanks!

Read only api keys for data analytics

Hi, I am using power query API requests to fetch data into my excel / power BI reports and it works fine on my local environment. My plan was to share this with other coworkers using sharepoint but I am not going to. The problem is that the API key is embedded in powerquery m code. Right now the same API key can be use to create GET POST DELETE UPDATE requests on all endpoints. Maybe you could consider ability to generate read only API keys that can only do GET requests or even API key per endpoint that is only capable of making requests only to specific endpoint. My development knowledge is very basic and I know it is a bit off-topic but maybe you could recommend me other way to let my coworkers fetch the data from Connecteam API in a secure way without having to share the API key. My main focus at this moment is to create table which fetches jobs list with job code, title, location using API. To give my coworkers the ability to trigger the request on demand. Right now there is no way to export job code from jobs list in Connecteam frontend. Any help or tips would be appreciated.

Retrieving sub-job/sub-job code for Integrations

I am currently testing the connecteam API capabilities, and am interested in retrieving the not only the job name but the job code, sub job, and sub job code for the purpose of automatically sending information to payroll. I have stored the charge code in the sub-job code due to the way our system is set up to differentiate charge code based on both location and job name. Could your team add API capabilities for sub-job and sub-job code retrieval? I think this would add more possibilities for unique workflows and seemless integration. If this is already possible, I would love to know where I can find such querys or bodys. Thank you.

Creating Notifications when Employees aren't clocked in on time Issues

We're building an automated system to notify our managers if any employees haven't clocked in by 8:30 AM MDT. We're leveraging AWS Lambda and Connecteam's API to achieve this. Steps Taken: API Setup: We set up a Lambda function that queries the /time_clock/v1/time_clocks/{timeclockid}/time_activities endpoint. We've verified that the time clock IDs (8001584 and 8163931) are correct. Environment Configuration: The API key is securely stored in AWS Lambda's environment variables. Function Logic: The function fetches time activities for the specified time clocks, checks the clock_in_time field, and compares it to the 8:30 AM MDT deadline. If no one has clocked in by that time, a Slack notification is triggered via AWS Chatbot. Issues Encountered: API Response: Despite using the correct endpoint and IDs, the API consistently returns {"detail": "Not Found"}. Time Activity Data: We’ve verified that employees did clock in before 8:30 AM MDT, but this data isn’t being reflected in the API response. Troubleshooting: We’ve tried logging the full API response, verified the clock IDs, and ensured the API key has the appropriate permissions. Request: We’re seeking guidance on why the API might be returning a "Not Found" error and whether there might be any additional steps or configurations needed to correctly retrieve time activities for the specified clocks. Current Code: ``` import json import urllib3 import os from datetime import datetime # Retrieve API key from environment variables CONNECTEAM_API_KEY = os.environ['CONNECTEAM_API_KEY'] # Time Clock IDs TIME_CLOCK_IDS = { "In-House Clock": "8001584", "Sub Check in": "8163931" } def check_clock_in(): http = urllib3.PoolManager() headers = { "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {CONNECTEAM_API_KEY}" } not_clocked_in = [] for clock_name, clock_id in TIME_CLOCK_IDS.items(): url = f"https://api.connecteam.com/time-clock/v1/time-clocks/{clock_id}/time_activities" try: response = http.request('GET', url, headers=headers) # Log the raw response for debugging print("Full Response from API:") print(response.data.decode('utf-8')) # Log entire response for better insight activities = json.loads(response.data.decode('utf-8')) # Check for clock-in activities by 8:30 AM for activity in activities: if 'clock_in_time' in activity and activity['clock_in_time'] is not None: clock_in_time = datetime.fromisoformat(activity['clock_in_time']) if clock_in_time.time() <= datetime.now().replace(hour=8, minute=30).time(): break else: # If no one clocked in by 8:30 AM not_clocked_in.append(f"No one clocked in for {clock_name} by 8:30 AM") except Exception as err: print(f"An error occurred for {clock_name}: {err}") if not_clocked_in: notify_managers(not_clocked_in) def notify_managers(employee_names): # This function will trigger the AWS Chatbot to notify Slack print("The following issue was detected:\n" + "\n".join(employee_names)) def lambda_handler(event, context): check_clock_in() return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps('Check completed successfully') } ```

API URL parameters error

trying to get more than 100 responses in one API call but it keeps on failing <br /> Here is my get request <https://api.connecteam.com/forms/v1/forms/7526318/form-submissions?limit=100&offset=0> Here is the error message: <br /> statusCode 400 error Bad Request message {"details":{"error_message":"Request query is invalid","error_code":1003},"error":{"inputValue":{"message":"value is not a valid integer","type":"type_error.integer"}},"path":"/forms/v1/forms/7526318/form-submissions","request_id":"4ce33b08-ad7e-4bed-ade3-4bdd064ef348"}

API URL parameters error

trying to get more than 100 responses in one API call but it keeps on failing <br /> Here is my get request <https://api.connecteam.com/forms/v1/forms/7526318/form-submissions?limit=100&offset=0> Here is the error message: <br /> statusCode 400 error Bad Request message {"details":{"error_message":"Request query is invalid","error_code":1003},"error":{"inputValue":{"message":"value is not a valid integer","type":"type_error.integer"}},"path":"/forms/v1/forms/7526318/form-submissions","request_id":"4ce33b08-ad7e-4bed-ade3-4bdd064ef348"}