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Fetch form submission PDF file

Hi team 👋🏼,

Thanks for a very well-documented API.

In your help center, I found this article about downloading a form submission as a PDF.


This is a great feature for the users/managers. I have not been able to find a similar option using the API. If we call the [https://developer.connecteam.com/reference/get_form_submission_forms_v1_formsformidform_submissionsformsubmissionidget](Get form submission endpoint), there's no reference to a download URL, apart from a signature image download URL.

Is there another endpoint we need to call to generate these PDF download URLs?

For compliance reasons, we need to automatically fetch each submission from specific forms and store them in our HR platform.

I've also checked out the webhook (which isn't live yet I believe). Also there I couldn't find any download URLs.

