Streamlining workflows with real-time data integration

Welcome to the Connecteam webhook documentation page. Connecteam offers powerful webhook integrations designed to streamline your workflow by providing real-time information and updates. Webhooks, also known as web callbacks or HTTP push APIs, are a way to deliver data to other applications as it happens. This method is much more efficient, allowing for immediate data synchronization without the need for constant polling.

Available webhooks

Connecteam currently supports two types of webhooks:

Setting up your webhook

To set up a webhook with Connecteam, you will need to contact our support team. Please be prepared to provide the following information to ensure a smooth setup process:

  • URL: The endpoint URL where you want the webhook payloads to be sent. Please note that we only support HTTPS URLs to ensure secure data transmission.
  • Webhook type: Specify whether you are setting up a webhook for form submissions or time activity.

Specific requirements

Depending on the type of webhook you're interested in, there are additional details you'll need to provide:

For time activity webhook

  • You must provide the unique identifier for the time clock (time_clock_id) you wish to track. You can find your time_clock_id by using the "Get time clocks" API method. This ensures that the webhook is precisely configured to monitor the specific time clock activities relevant to your needs.

For form submission webhook

  • You need to provide the URL of the form from the Connecteam platform. If the form is part of a course, please provide the course URL and the form name. If the form exists in the customize section, simply send the form URL.

Contacting Support

To initiate the setup of your webhook, please reach out to our support team with the information outlined above. Our team is ready to assist you in configuring your webhook to meet your specific needs. You can contact support through the following channels: