Create custom field option
The "Create Custom Field Option" endpoint allows you to add a new option for a specific custom field identified by its customFieldId.
This option will be added to the existing dropdown options without overwriting any current values. This functionality is specifically available for dropdown custom fields.
Key guidelines to follow for creating a custom field option:
customFieldId: The unique identifier of the custom field. This is a path URL parameter, so make sure to include it in the request URL. Additionally, ensure that the custom field is of the 'dropdown' type.
value: The value you want to add as the new option. This is a required body parameter.
Payload example for the request:
"value": "New team value",
"isDisabled": false
Payload example for the response:
"requestId": "b8c3c37b-d476-44bc-9756-b445106e7f14",
"data": {
"id": 3,
"value": "Team 23",
"isDisabled": false,
"isDeleted": false
Updated 5 months ago