Rate limiting

Understanding and navigating Connecteam API rate limits for optimal usage

This section provides detailed information about our API rate limiting policies. Rate limiting is crucial to ensure the stability and reliability of our service for all users. Please review the following guidelines to understand how rate limits are applied and how they may affect your use of the Connecteam API.

Rate limits

Our API enforces rate limits to protect the service from excessive usage and to ensure equitable resource distribution among users. The limits are as follows:

  • Minute rate limit: 100 requests per minute
  • Day rate limit: 10,000 requests per day


429 Too Many Requests

These limits are applied per account and not per API key. If you exceed these limits, your requests will be throttled, and you will receive an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests status code.

Response headers

To assist you in managing your API usage, our responses include several HTTP headers related to rate limiting. These headers provide real-time information about your current rate limit status:

  • x-ratelimit-minute-limit: The maximum number of requests that can be made in a minute
  • x-ratelimit-minute-remaining: The number of requests remaining in the current minute window
  • x-ratelimit-minute-reset: The time at which the minute rate limit will reset, expressed in UTC epoch seconds
  • x-ratelimit-day-limit: The maximum number of requests that can be made in a day
  • x-ratelimit-day-remaining: The number of requests remaining in the current day window
  • x-ratelimit-day-reset: The time at which the day rate limit will reset, expressed in UTC epoch seconds


Handling rate limits

When you approach the rate limit, it's crucial to implement logic in your application to handle 429 Too Many Requests responses. This may involve:

  • Retrying failed requests after a suitable delay
  • Spreading out your requests to avoid hitting the limit
  • Monitoring the rate limit headers to adjust your request rate dynamically


Best practices

  • Caching: Cache responses whenever possible to reduce the need for repeated requests
  • Request scheduling: Distribute your requests evenly to avoid sudden spikes
  • Monitoring: Regularly monitor your API usage against the provided headers to prevent hitting rate limits


If you encounter issues with rate limits, please contact our support team. We're here to help you integrate your services with Connecteam as smoothly as possible.