Update custom field option

The "Update Custom Field Option" endpoint allows you to modify the value and attributes of an existing dropdown option under a specified custom field identified by its customFieldId and optionId.

This capability is essential for maintaining current and accurate dropdown values.

Key guidelines to follow for updating a custom field option:

customFieldId: The unique identifier of the custom field. This is a path URL parameter, so make sure to include it in the request URL. Additionally, ensure that the custom field is of the 'dropdown' type.

optionId: The unique identifier of the option you want to update. This is a path URL parameter and is required for specifying which option to modify.

value: The new value to be assigned to the option. This is an optional body parameter; if not provided, the existing value remains unchanged.

isDisabled: Indicates whether this option should be disabled. This is a boolean parameter that defaults to false (active) unless specified otherwise.

Payload example for editing existing custom field option:

  "value": "Updated Team Name",
  "isDisabled": false

Payload example for the response

  "requestId": "64ebf384-7835-4be1-9041-234b03e11e69",
  "data": {
    "id": 3,
    "value": "Updated Team Name",
    "isDisabled": false,
    "isDeleted": false