To access all jobs (and sub-jobs) associated with your Connecteam account, you can utilize the Get Job method.

This method allows you to retrieve a comprehensive list of jobs and sub-jobs, with the flexibility to filter the results based on various parameters.

There are two endpoints to retrieve jobs: Get Job (to retrieve information on a single job by the job ID) and Get Jobs (to retrieve multiple jobs associated with the account based on specific filters).

In the Get Job method, you need to specify the job ID in the path URL to retrieve the relevant job.

As for the Get Jobs method, these are the following fields to filter by in the query parameters:

  • instanceIds: List of instance IDs (scheduler ID or time clock ID) to filter by. Only one instance can be specified in the array.
  • jobIds: List of job IDs to filter by. If a sub-job ID is specified, the parent job will also be retrieved in the response.
  • jobNames: List of job names to filter by.
  • includeDeleted: Determines whether the response includes jobs that have been deleted. The default value is set to true.
  • sort: The sort key for ordering the results (currently supported only for the job title).
  • order: The order of the sort key (set to ascending by default).
  • limit & offset: Pagination support. Check the reference page for the current default values.

Request example for Get jobs method with specified query params

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Request example for Get single job method with specified query params

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json'