Get custom fields

To access all custom fields associated with your Connecteam account, you can utilize the get custom field method

This method allows you to retrieve a comprehensive list of custom fields, with the flexibility to filter the results based on various parameters such as categories, names, types, or specific custom field IDs.

URL with query params example for retrieving direct manager custom fields

http GET ''

Payload example for the response

  "requestId": "fb34fb64-9c445-48ba-9be0-97e7d453f534",
  "data": {
    "customFields": [
        "name": "Direct manager",
        "isRequired": false,
        "categoryId": 1929551,
        "isVisibleToAllAdmins": true,
        "isEditableForAllAdmins": true,
        "isVisibleToUsers": true,
        "isEditableForUsers": false,
        "id": 6208760,
        "type": "directManager"
  "paging": {
    "offset": 1

URL with query params example for retrieving dropdown custom fields

http GET ''

Payload example for the response

  "requestId": "3f74er52-34e6-4536-8a48-bb90e833tg635",
  "data": {
    "customFields": [
        "name": "Team",
        "isRequired": false,
        "categoryId": 1929551,
        "isVisibleToAllAdmins": true,
        "isEditableForAllAdmins": true,
        "isVisibleToUsers": false,
        "isEditableForUsers": false,
        "isMultiSelect": true,
        "dropdownOptions": [
            "id": 0,
            "value": "Team 1",
            "isDisabled": false,
            "isDeleted": false
            "id": 1,
            "value": "Team 2",
            "isDisabled": false,
            "isDeleted": false
            "id": 2,
            "value": "Team 3",
            "isDisabled": false,
            "isDeleted": false
        "id": 6208757,
        "type": "dropdown"
  "paging": {
    "offset": 1